Again, thanks for all the kind words! (And I forgive you, Ric. Now go away.)
I am almost certain the turbo is blown. Big time, because there is oil splattered around the firewall near the turbo. It'll be interesting to yank that sucker out of there, to say the least. Best case scenario: Blown turbo, plus "hydrolock" which has left the rest of the motor undamaged. Worst case...let you imagination soar!
From here I plan to yank the turbo/exhaust manifold. I will immediately e-mail BG and see if that turbo is still available. I've wanted it since I first saw it for sale, but lacked the funds. Now I NEED it, and the funds will have to be found one way or another. (Very nice Heritage Les Paul and a Matchless Lightning 15 amp for sale, by the way. Seriously!)
I will also pull the cylinder head. I've toyed with the idea of compression testing, etc, but I've always wanted to see the engine's innards anyhow, so what the hell! It'll only cost me a head gasket.
I've GOT to get me a PowerStroke, by the way! That think yanked the Evil Beetle over the summit yesterday (8500 feet) like it was nothing. I set the cruise at 65, which equals about 1600 rpms in overdrive, and just forgot about it. Amazing!
Further details tonight. This is going to be a LONG process since I'll only have an hour or so each night to fool with it. I've settled into a "seige" mentality.
p.s. Many questions about "chipping", "altitude", etc. Frankly, I don't think I'll ever know exactly why this happened. Garrett builds excellent turbos, but anything is subject to failure. Even if there was a manufacturing defect the turbo's demise was undoubtedly hastened by chipping, VNT modding and extreme service at high altitudes. I guarantee there is nobody in this forum that tortures a VNT-15 more than I do on a day-to-day basis. High altitude + full load + high rpms...that's as bad as it gets. I basically tested the turbo to failure.
I'll be starting a "brainstorm" thread in the Power section to come up with reasonably cost-effective ideas to bulletproof the Evil Beetle. I'll start another thread in this section as more of a "general update" section, with photos.
p.p.s. Why am I taking this so well? PAXIL! Great stuff.