So here's an issue that have left us and our mechanic scratching our heads.
A few weeks ago wife was commuting and the car stalled out at the traffic lights and left her stranded, car would NOT want to restart, cranked fine, but seemed like it did not get any fuel.
Took the car to my mechanic, left the car to sit overnight, next day it started just fine - absolutely NO error codes. Took the car out for a long joyride, ran just fine. He was absolutely baffled, mentioning that the tandem pump might be at fault, but can't tell for sure.
Fast forward to today, car left wife stranded again, this time while driving, she mentioned it started sputtering and the engine cut out, cranked but did not want to start again. Left the car for a few hours on the side of the road, tried cranking it and it restarted, but cut out after just a few minutes of driving.
Anyone experienced this before? Surely i'll grab a used tandem pump and will have my mechanic replace it, but wondering if that's gonna fix it or not.
Car is a 2008 Golf MKV Plus 1.9 TDI BXJ
So here's an issue that have left us and our mechanic scratching our heads.
A few weeks ago wife was commuting and the car stalled out at the traffic lights and left her stranded, car would NOT want to restart, cranked fine, but seemed like it did not get any fuel.
Took the car to my mechanic, left the car to sit overnight, next day it started just fine - absolutely NO error codes. Took the car out for a long joyride, ran just fine. He was absolutely baffled, mentioning that the tandem pump might be at fault, but can't tell for sure.
Fast forward to today, car left wife stranded again, this time while driving, she mentioned it started sputtering and the engine cut out, cranked but did not want to start again. Left the car for a few hours on the side of the road, tried cranking it and it restarted, but cut out after just a few minutes of driving.
Anyone experienced this before? Surely i'll grab a used tandem pump and will have my mechanic replace it, but wondering if that's gonna fix it or not.
Car is a 2008 Golf MKV Plus 1.9 TDI BXJ