Free as in no upfront costs to support very expensive wind mills? Dunno.
The point is to make people of lesser means wish to get into the market, not give "free" expensive energy to well-heeled individuals and families. Its a mental experiment.
..... for the ~12th time..... 'free' as in it has no value if it's not used immediately. If you build a 100MW wind farm and demand from the farm is only 90MW at 2am but it's windy and you can generate 100MW why not send 10MW to EVs (or who ever else is able to shift demand to 2am) for free?
The point is the ensure people of lesser means don't suffer the negative effects of climate change that they are less able to cope with. It's simple economics; And don't delude yourself. No one of 'lesser' means is subsidizing EVs. They'll benefit the most just as with other subsidized technologies like solar.
Subsidies for solar PV cut the cost from ~$100/w in 1980 to <$0.30/w today (Economies of scale). This is having profound effects on people that have never had access to electricity. EVs will have a similar effect freeing people from the cost a negative effects of an addiction to fools fuel.
.... I'll repeat my question because I'm honestly confused as to where you're getting tripped up. Keep in mind that thanks to subsidies that drove development wind and solar are now the cheapest source of a kWh.
Where do you get lost in this simple logic path?
- We need to get more of our energy from wind and solar.
- We need storage to reduce wasting wind and solar during periods that supply > demand.
- EVs are storage.
Why not use EVs to help manage demand??????