Yeah, the system only really saves AC cooling costs if you leave the pool uncovered. Basically, by providing a cold-side heat sink to accept rejected heat, your pool becomes a large radiator. Pools of larger surface area (gallons is immaterial) are more efficient in lowering the AC electric costs; it's especially effective during hot/dry times (April-ish until monsoon season, then after monsoon until it cools down in October-ish). So, it's a 'shoulder season' aid. It will still decrease cooling costs during warm/wet monsoon season, but not as much. Our house uses about half the annual cooling energy to cool during shoulder season, and the other half usage is during monsoon season (more enthalpy in wet, warm air to remove).
Short version: it trades one thing for another:
Less electric costs from more efficient deltaT on heat-rejecting (condenser) side--
in trade for--
More water consumption to replace that which was warmed and lost to evaporation
So, for my case, it would likely cut cooling power down by about 20%, but there are caveats:
- APS charges more during peak usage hours from 3pm-8pm
- APS tacks on a demand-charge
- APS charges more for high demand during peak hours
So I literally have to build a fairly complex spreadsheet with average heat loading factors, by 5 minute increments, to calculate an expected payback period. :sigh:
gut feel: not worth hassle until after I install more shade trees. Gotta go for the 'low hanging fruit' of negawatts first.