Wow man that is probably one of the worst arguments I've seen in a while. I am 100% a progressive, a millennial at that, and while I agree Transgender individuals have seen some progress they are absolutely not mainstream accepted pretty much anywhere in the country. In a blue state you might have a higher acceptance rate, but even then there is hate, fear and BS.
Your argument is like saying Women have 100% equal rights, are 100% equal footing in all ways in society even though they have been fighting hard since the movements of the 1960's & 1970's. They can't even get competitive and equal pay.
Or better yet gay rights which are still getting trounced on and attacked, given people denying gay couples the ability to get a wedding cake made and etc...
Or better yet African American rights / equality. Have you not been watching the country? Literally people dying in the streets police officers, african americans. Huge protests and marches not seen since MLK....... If all of these groups haven't gained mainstream / universal acceptance in all this time... you cannot be naive enough to believe that transgender have....
Society makes progress sure, but for literally that comment and the EV's put down your rose colored glasses for a second and look at the world for what it is. Flawed, and yet Beautiful. Everything comes in different colors, hues, levels of saturations, and there are many levels of gray areas as well. This is exactly what we are talking about when it comes to EVs. Nothing is perfect, people have different tastes, and sometimes you just have to be realistic and put down the hype-cannon.
Tin Man --- I agree. Also I am a System Administrator and a Web Developer.... heh...