Veteran Member
This thread is for posting ECU dumps and finding their map locations (for tuning purposes). Sorry if I upset anyone opening a new thread but we need a thread just for ECU dumps and their map locations all in one place. DIY tuning discussion can continue on the other thread.
2002 ALH 5sp Wagon 90hp (thanks to Bzillins8806)
Map Locations: (done by another tdi club member & me)
Group1 Group2 Group3 Map
4CC2C---5CC2C---6CC2C---Driver Wish (Another TDI Club member & me)
4D2F6---5D2F6---6D2F6---Torque limiter (Another TDI Club member & me)
4D424---5D424---6D424---Smoke Limiter (Another TDI Club member & me)
54470---64470---74470---Pump Voltage (Another TDI Club member & me)
5654C---6654C---7654C---Turbo pressure/Boost Map (Another TDI Club member & me)
56858---66858---76858---N75 (Another TDI Club member)
59A42-------------------Injection Timing (me) - Looks like this is DEAD wrong
61C28-------------------Single Valve Boost Limiter (me) - Looks like this is DEAD wrong
66B42---76B42-----------Max Boost (me)
Immo mod: Immo 2 - Not Applicable
ECU Year Info (thanks anonymous TDI member! ):
028 906 021 MK3 1Z/AHU with FA, JB letter for North America 16bit ECU
038 906 012 MK4 ALH with letter...
-BD 2000
-CP 2001-2002 (not sure)
-FD 2002
-GN 2003
-N newbettle 2000
Please post your dumps and if you know the map locations, please post them. Stock ECU's ONLY.
This post will be edited as much as it is required to keep up with new dumps and new locations.
Sorry for the weird characters... All fixed now.
2002 ALH 5sp Wagon 90hp (thanks to Bzillins8806)
Map Locations: (done by another tdi club member & me)
Group1 Group2 Group3 Map
4CC2C---5CC2C---6CC2C---Driver Wish (Another TDI Club member & me)
4D2F6---5D2F6---6D2F6---Torque limiter (Another TDI Club member & me)
4D424---5D424---6D424---Smoke Limiter (Another TDI Club member & me)
54470---64470---74470---Pump Voltage (Another TDI Club member & me)
5654C---6654C---7654C---Turbo pressure/Boost Map (Another TDI Club member & me)
56858---66858---76858---N75 (Another TDI Club member)
59A42-------------------Injection Timing (me) - Looks like this is DEAD wrong
61C28-------------------Single Valve Boost Limiter (me) - Looks like this is DEAD wrong
66B42---76B42-----------Max Boost (me)
Immo mod: Immo 2 - Not Applicable
ECU Year Info (thanks anonymous TDI member! ):
028 906 021 MK3 1Z/AHU with FA, JB letter for North America 16bit ECU
038 906 012 MK4 ALH with letter...
-BD 2000
-CP 2001-2002 (not sure)
-FD 2002
-GN 2003
-N newbettle 2000
Please post your dumps and if you know the map locations, please post them. Stock ECU's ONLY.
This post will be edited as much as it is required to keep up with new dumps and new locations.
Sorry for the weird characters... All fixed now.
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