I have an extra VNT actuator, is there any special programming required to set it at the proper location? I don’t have VCDS currently, if that is required.
Follow the instructions given by BobnOH, you should be OK.
Check you have at least 20 inches of vacuum at point 5 in the diagram above.
Less then that it won't pull the arm all the way when needed.
The vacuum port on the vacuum pump (point 11 on the picture) will probably be loose. Some use silicon or epoxy to fix it.
Check the turbo actuator for rust and that it holds vacuum while you have it off.
There's a VW bulletin about this.
When you are re-installing it tie a piece of thread or dental floss to the e-clip that holds the actuator rod to the arm going into the turbo.
It makes it easier to find the clip if you slip putting it on.
I have a few in my body somewhere.
You really will need VCDS at some point to diagnose the car.
Limp mode alone can be from over boost or under boost.
If you have a laptop you could get VCDS lite.
The lite version if free to use and most functions work.
You would also need a OBD cable that works with VCDS.
some use the ELM328 (iIrc) with it.