Took the dash apart to mount a cheap EGT/Boost/Temp gauge.
replaced some blown bulbs in the dash and put it back together.
After heat cycling it and topping off the coolant (or so I thought) we backed it out of the garage under its own power. Still waiting on my fan switch to get here so I alligator clipped the fan relay just so we could take it for a drive. That didnt last long as the coolant temp started to climb past 200 eventually jumping above 230 but dropped at idle. I had to have an air pocket or stuck thermostat. We let it cool down and I pulled the thermostat also picked up a new one and boiled them both in the kitchen. The old one started to open at 180 and new one started at 190. But they both worked so it had to be an air pocket. I put the new tstat back in and it did the same thing. So I thought maybe water pump spinning on the shaft? So I proceeded to do my timing belt install a little earlier than expected. So this might have been timing belt job 3? on this cam sprocket as it decided to crack. So Im waiting on a new sprocket and bolt. Should be here by Thursday.
O yea the old water pump was fine. Metal impeller and had to have been replaced on the last belt job. I am now starting to think I just had a massive air pocket. I will venturi vac fill it and I think that will fix it. I might also drill a small hole in the thermostat.
Atleast it sounds like a real truck now.

replaced some blown bulbs in the dash and put it back together.

After heat cycling it and topping off the coolant (or so I thought) we backed it out of the garage under its own power. Still waiting on my fan switch to get here so I alligator clipped the fan relay just so we could take it for a drive. That didnt last long as the coolant temp started to climb past 200 eventually jumping above 230 but dropped at idle. I had to have an air pocket or stuck thermostat. We let it cool down and I pulled the thermostat also picked up a new one and boiled them both in the kitchen. The old one started to open at 180 and new one started at 190. But they both worked so it had to be an air pocket. I put the new tstat back in and it did the same thing. So I thought maybe water pump spinning on the shaft? So I proceeded to do my timing belt install a little earlier than expected. So this might have been timing belt job 3? on this cam sprocket as it decided to crack. So Im waiting on a new sprocket and bolt. Should be here by Thursday.
O yea the old water pump was fine. Metal impeller and had to have been replaced on the last belt job. I am now starting to think I just had a massive air pocket. I will venturi vac fill it and I think that will fix it. I might also drill a small hole in the thermostat.
Atleast it sounds like a real truck now.
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