We were getting the dreaded foam out of the vents, so I decided the tackle this problem, but I really found very little details on getting into the center HVAC plenum. There are plenty of instructions on how to get far enough into the center dash area to see the center air plenum as shown below:
So, this will pick up from this point. There appeared to be two paths to take, just unsnapping the plenums front covers seven snaps, or finding the two 6mm screws and removing the front and back plenum together.
I decided to remove the two 6mm screws and try to remove the whole plenum.
Here is the location of the right hand side screw.
I was not able to get to it from this angle (basically the space where the glove box typically occupies) but I was able to get to it through the center opening.
Here is a little more clear view of the tools setup that was able to reach the right hand side of the plenums screw.
The left hand side screw is location directly across from the right hand side’s screw. Here is how I accessed it.
For the left hand side screw it took a slightly different tool configuration.
At this point I stared to pull on the plenum and realized I would not be able to get it out with the two half’s snapped together, so I started to work on separating the two pieces.
I found the bottom snap and a trick to help unsnap the cover was to stick a flat bladed screw driver in the slot to open it up a little and then I was able to unsnap it.
I did the snap opening trick on a few of the other six snaps and I was able to get the cover removed.
NOTE: I also found that by removing the two screws, it allowed the whole plenum to shift a little left and right to get better access to the three snaps on each side.
Here is a “back side” view of the front plenum cover once it was removed.
I forgot to get a picture of the plenum with just the front cover removed (and before the foam was removed), but for a point of reference here is the opening you would need to work through if you choose to not remove the back half of the plenum.
The Red Box is the opening you would need to work through if you do not remove the back piece of the plenum, and the Green Box is the approximate opening of you choose to remove the back piece.