I did the service this last Saturday and first of all, it's pretty easy.
Took out the battery and airbox, then accessed the DSG filter, then climbed underneath and removed the dirt shield/air flow cover, then pulled plug and snorkel. Fluid looked extremely clean btw.
People mentioned it taking forever for you to fill from the top of the tranny. I had no issue; I put the bottle on the tube then put a hole with a knife in the bottom of the quart container and it drained into the tranny in about a minute each quart. Also had the oil sitting in a hot water bath while I was prepping to fill so it flowed easier.
started the car, shifted through gears, and let running for about 15 minutes. Pulled the plug again and drained until it was a slow stream then plugged back up.
Running perfectly after a couple hundred miles. I don't think I'll change that fluid for another 50K or so miles.
Couple of additional notes: when I pulled the plug, maybe a 1/2 liter of fluid came out before the snorkel was removed. I guess the factory had put extra in it. when I drained it after running with new fluid, about a 1/2 liter fluid came out, so about 4.5L is all you need, but it makes sense to overfill and let it drain the excess. Lastly, make sure you have it on level ground, and elevate it level when you drain/fill it.