2001jettaTDI19 said:
thanks Birdman!
if I am reading that right - if the shop cut 30 thousands off the head I should stay with the 3 hole. If not I need to go back to the store..
I knew there was a reason to come here today!
thanks guys!
Watch out. 30 thousandths of an inch is 5 times the difference between the single and three hole gasket thickness. The valves in a new head are about 20 thousandths off the face, if the head is milled, that would make it over 50 thousandths which will be a problem even with a 3 hole. You will have an interference of 26 thousandths on all valves, all the time. That is the thickness of over eight sheets of regular paper...something has to give and that will be the tappets.
Now, if the machine shop also installed the seats a bit deeper so valve protrusion from the head remains at 20 thousandths, all is fine.
Measure the valve protrusion. Note, the Bentley does not permit milling the head. Maximum permissible distortion is 4 thousandths. Milling 30 thousandths off is just crazy. You would then expose the valve seats..
Now, you could have the flycuts in the pistons milled an extra 30 thousandths deeper.
Now on the bolts...I assume you are repairing the block in the car. All rod and main bearing bolts are TTY and need replacing. Rod bolts are a dealer item only unless you buy new rod sets. Ditto with head bolts and the injection pump pulley to hub bolts.
If you pulled the motor, get new bolts for the motor mounts. Any bolt that is torqued to specification and then some fraction of a turn more is a TTY and needs replacing.
I am doing a partial on my 2000 ALH and have heard more than a few people telling me I need to remove the motor mount and replace the bolts. Well, the TB is nearly new 100k unit and the mounts are staying put.