Diesels now are getting too costly do to the fact of all the electronics etc on them. The diesels of old I have had, I thought at the time we're complicated but compared to diesels of now we're so simple. Diesels of now have more pollution control along with electronics then gasses. Diesels of now are a nightmare. Save your money. Buy a gasser. You may not get the fuel mileage from a gasser that you will get from a diesel but the money save on repairs and maintenance will most likely bring you out ahead of the diesel. Big diesels such as transports a whole different ball game
I understand your argument, but I disagree. In fact you state an argument and no facts.
much better than a typical 1970's, 1980's, 1990's cars... even 2000's cars. May be the
MK4 TDI was the right mix, but it was not as clean. I see cars like Tesla S being a game
changer. No direct emissions and crazy race car performance. Of course cross country
range is an issue and time to "refuel" or charge is too long (compaired to liquid fuel).
Back to your argument.... The HPFP has been a real bummer, along with turbo failures,
fouled timing belts and expensive DPF replacement. Let's break it down.:
-The HPFP has got a better it seems, less failures and warranty extended.
-Turbo failure, yep a bummer it takes out DPF.
-DPF is fairly long lived if taken care of, and cheaper alternative. cleaning old DPF has promise.
(Of course DPF delete takes care of the two above in part.)
-Timing belt, fail or foul yep can happen but maintenance will take care of it.
With that said the BOTTOM END and HEAD, the engine part, is pretty heavy duty and reliable.
I agree all the bells and whistles are finicky, delicate, expensive to repair...
Turbo failures always have been around but now it takes out DPF. HPFP failure in it self,
no big deal, it is all the damage it causes. So I agree it is more expensive to repair, but
these cars can go 500,000 miles... in theory but why would you? Cars will be better in
20-30 years, time to drive 500,000 miles. I will not even drive another 300,000 miles
in my life. I really enjoy driving my VW TDI short or long distance. I just don't want
to waste money on repairs. I want reliability. My two Acura Legends were reliable to
almost 250,000 miles and still where reliable. However paint & interior fading, no airbag
or one airbag (safety), timing belt, brakes... I got rid of them. I could have driven them
longer. Of course they got low 20's mpg, but drove great, lots of power.
Now the good news, diesel fuel is same as RUG and I just paid $1.99/Gal for diesel ULSD..... YEA.
I get average tank to tank 43 mpg... BEST PART it is fun to drive with drivable power and low torque
that is fun to use for immediate short bursts of acceleration. That is worth it so far. Now with
my 120/10 HPFP warranty. I am going to keep my car another 5 years. I will only have 120,000K
on it. When I sell it will have good residual value.... so why are you complaining?