Yikes. Why do I feel like if it goes to trial we'll be waiting for years for something to happen.Not a lawyer but it appears this will have to go to trial for resolution if no agreement.
It's true. They've admitted what they've done. Not sure why long settlement discussions and possible trials are needed. Just decide on the penalty and not waste more resources.VW has as much as admitted culpability. The only question is penalty/remedy.
LOL. We're going into 2017 for sure.Wow, those dates are disconcerting.
Oct 18: Judge: Do we have an agreement?
Lawyers: No
Judge: See you just before Christmas
Lawyers: Are we doing Secret Santa?
I want interest on my settlement money!
I'm pretty disappointed. It's tough watching our neighbors to the south having a massive party, fireworks, all the beer you can drink. Colour me green with envy.
Perhaps it'll be the lawyers that don't agree to VW's proposition. Either way I think we're screwed.Well, now if we want to organize a protest in front of VW Canada offices, we have a specific message - We want a settlement on Oct 18th on par with the US.
I've had to invent new swearwords I'm so ticked off...#DoneWithVWMy response currently involves a lot of profanity so I will post on this a little while later.
Tweet @cbcmarketplace...they forward to CBC contacts...it might just help if we get some more people messaging in.Also time to start directly contacting media sources.
Sounds like you got your foot in....Just got an email from someone at CBC regarding my submission to Marketplace regarding the scandal. Has asked me to call him back as soon as possible to get the story out there.
We'll see how this goes.
Portion of the email:
hey there, we'd like to do a story about how your settlement from VW has not come, even though the July 29th deadline has come and gone.
your story going public today will help put pressure on VW canada, who I am also trying to pin down today.
I would love to do it but tomorrow I'm extremely busy. Where would they want to do the interview?Guy from CBC wants to do an on-camera interview tomorrow (Toronto area), which I can't do, due to where I am. If someone messages me with their contact info, who could do the interview, I will forward it on to him.
VW doesn't care how you feel and would be glad if you burned it down because they wouldn't have to buy you out. We have to hit them where it hurts. I say picket the dealers.
Just got of the phone with VW Canada. They called me! All the girl could do was apologize for the lack of information.I sent a $h!t-o-gram to them this past Friday. I don't have it saved for you to read, but I did mention that if I had the money, I'd burn the car to the ground.
That's all they have done throughout the whole thing: apologize for the lack of informationJust got of the phone with VW Canada. They called me! All the girl could do was apologize for the lack of information.
I feel your pain. I have to pay the dealer $230 just to find out what's wrong. $480 more to fix it. I told them not to fix it. I will get a private mechanic and pay them instead. Our hands our tied.Off to RockAuto for some ordering, I cannot delay some of the wear items that will become dangerous to leave it as is. 6 months is a long forecast, money I'll never get back now.
Single vehicle home, so can't financially park it and find something else.
They seem pretty adamant about doing interviews on this...try and get in on it if possible...we need to get this story out.Someone create a facebook group asap. The cbc or global wants to do a story on this. I emailed the marketplace and the reporter got back to me with a phone number but I don't like talking on the phone.
We need a group page,