I think the reason Canada has such weak consumer protection is because our market is too small. If the government started putting pressure on businesses, some would just say "You're not worth the trouble" and stop selling their products here.
Then we might have to start manufacturing our own things, but unfortunately there are too many hurdles in the way to make that actually feasible. We've regulated ourselves out of the ability to do anything. Imagine trying to set up a car factory! Every level of government would put up obstacles and have their hand out for money to do endless studies, every site would suddenly be an ancient burial ground until palms are greased, unions would be ready to make the place unprofitable if it ever did get built, and investors wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Huge companies like Toyota can overcome these obstacles, but for a new Canadian car manufacturer to start up, no way. Of course, if we did de-regulate, then all the large companies would move in and squeeze out the little guy anyway. So, we're stuck with what we've got, I guess, and consumer protection is not part of the equation.