Did you buy an Extra Warranty w/ your TDI?


Active member
May 8, 2001
Houston, Texas!
I'm getting ready to buy an auto TDI NB. I'm NOT mechanically inclined, and 24k is the shortest warranty out there - I hear that lots of little niggly things can go out and I am considering an extended warranty...

I also want to chip in the future and thought that I'd have 2x protection if something drastic happened and VW didn't honor the powertrain warranty.

Anyone had good or bad exp w/warranties? Did you pick the VW warranty or go with a third party provider? I drive a Honda Accord right now. It's trouble-free, but boring, so I thought I'd plan ahead for this next (more fun I hope) car...


Veteran Member
Feb 9, 2000
Surrey, B.C.
No I didn't buy any extended warranty. I made that mistake on my previous car, a 94' GTI. I used it only once, and it would of cost me $200 to fix the problem. I didn't need to spend over 1K for the warranty. Waste of money. I've put almost 16K on my 01 TDI and haven't had one single problem. This is my 4th VW and never had any major problems.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2001
Asheville, North Carolina
I do inspections on claims for extended warranty companies.
My experience is that some are good some are bad. Mickey is right, the manufacturer extended warranty plans are usually the best- but not always. Extended warranties whether factory or aftermarket can be a great advantage in some instances and on some make/models. For instance Chrysler had many problems with their A604(41TE) transmissions with repairs costing in the thousands at times- one trans repaired/replaced more than paid for the cost of the contract. Also, I have seen certain vehicles rack up many times in repairs the cost of the contract.
So it depends on the car one is buying and how long they plan to keep it. I could recommend some to you, but that might be professionally inappropriate. In general stick with the big names, get a low deductable, do every scheduled maintenance, do no modifications(at least ones they can find out about, if their is a failure or serious noise have it towed to the repair facility(no continued operation), and keep every record.
Having said this, I did not choose to get an extended warranty on my TDI and I wouldn't advise it. Extended warranties really pay off on big failures- which VW's usually don't have. Our 10/100k warranty will negate any of the big payoffs that extended warranties would have during that period. The smaller accessory type failures the VW's might be more apt to have won't usually pay off, especially after meeting a deductable.
Finally, their are service contracts availible on almost anything at any time. So, one can actually buy an extended warranty at say- 100K or miles or more.. These are more risky and the underwriters more tricky- one needs to be wary of "time and mileage wear" type failures (ie: oil consumption due to egg shaped cyl bores/worn rings at say 195k miles). Buyer beware and read the fine print.

My suggestion on TDI's is keep your money, keep your car maintained, and use the guy's on the forum to help you with any problems.

[ May 16, 2001: Message edited by: slickfisher ]


Top Post Dawg
Jul 11, 2000
Pacific NW
2001 Jetta GLS
I'll be the willing flamee on this one.

I bought one. I had one on an '86 Honda Accord and was darn glad I did when the automatic transmission ate itself at about 60K.

That one repair would have cost more than I paid for the extended warranty.

I bought a Jetta GLS with virtually every available doo-dad. Given VW's less than sterling reputation for long-lived electronics, I felt it was money potentially well spent.

I factored it into my purchase price and still felt okay about the deal.

Be sure to read the proposal carefully. Some of them are CRAP.

Shop around. In California the AAA had a decent plan that cost less than many.

The profit margin on these things is hideous and you can usually bargain down to around 50% of the asking price.

Whatever you do... don't buy the upholstery or paint protection packages. Those are useless bordering on fraud.


Hell, no! I never buy those things. They're insurance policies, and as such they are "for profit" ventures. In the long run you'll come out on the short end.

Do NOT buy an aftermarket warranty! Buy only extended warranties from vehicle manufacturers. The aftermarket guys are often less than thrilled about paying claims.

Pay attention to the deductible. You might think $100 is a pretty reasonable deductible, but that's how they make money. Having a deductible just defeats the purpose, in my opinion.

And, if you insist on buying one of these things, don't buy it right away! Refuse at first. Then call VW customer service six months later and ask for that information be sent to you...but STILL don't buy it! String them along as long as possible, and they'll keep sending you offers of lower and lower prices. Eventually you can get a halfway decent deal if you play your cards right, but I still woudn't do it.

VW's warranty is not "short." Two years/24K is plenty long enough to work all the bugs out, and the expensive stuff (powertrain) is covered for an amazing 100,000 miles. The body corrosion warranty is unmatched in the industry.



Veteran Member
Jun 14, 2000
Hanover, NH
I'm pretty mixed on the concept. On the one hand, VW does have 10yr/100k on the powertrain, which is all the expensive stuff. Mufflers, brakes, etc won't be covered by anything. So that leaves basically power windows etc. Which are not cheap to fix but are still probably cheaper than the warranty.

I figure another way these companies make their money is on people buying the long term warranty but then only keeping the car for 6 years or whatever. The insurance company gets off free for the most expensive part of the deal. If you really truly will keep the car for 10 years/100k miles or whatever then you may come out ahead.


Veteran Member
Dec 9, 2000
Richmond, VT
GL, 2001, indigo
I think Mickey and the others are generally right about extended warranties. They are designed to make a profit for the providers. However, I am skittish enough about the long term reliability of VW's and especially skittish enough about finding a competent enough mechanic to maintain the vehicle that I would buy an extended warranty. That is, I would buy an extended warranty if the JERKS at Miller VW in Lebanon,NH would actually come through on the delivery of a GL TDI that I agreed to purchase on Jan. 18th! (I hope to have more news on this for the board sometime soon. I have never dealt with a more arrogant, indifferent dealership- they have either completely ignored my requests for info or accused me of being inappropriate when I finally got tired of politely asking about the status of my order after 4 months and started DEMANDING some info. I am thinking very hard about playing hardball with these nitwits, which means a civil suit using the Uniform Commercial Code and statutes RSA 382-A:2-609 and RSA 382-A:2-715. These people shouldn't be in business!....There, I feel better
)...Anyway, details on the the extended warranty I would purchase (the diamond wrap coverage) can be found at http://www.warrantydirect.com/auto_index.html

Frank Doherty

Well-known member
Apr 4, 2000
Federal Way, WA, USA
I too, and not mechanically inclined. When I bought my 2000 Jetta GL (no extras) I had some extra money that was burning a hole in my pocket so I actively started looking for a way to spend more money and buy a warranty. (I had purchased two previously on other cars, and both paid for themselves -- but just barely). I did an extensive internet search, and talked to the dealer. Even though I completely understand the concept of "insurance" and did read the warnings against buying a warranty, I did anyway. Got a 100,000 mile, $0 deduct. from Hal Moses at Auto Advantage Inc (1-800-933-9190). Doesn't cover everything, but seems to cover quite a bit. I have not used it yet, and haven't decided if I am happy that I haven't had to use it, or upset that I haven't had to use it. Talk to me in another 80000 miles and I will give you a better idea of if it was REALLY worth it. Of course, I will not, repeat not, do any "chipping" or modifications to my car until the warranty expires. Until then (or proven otherwise) I do have some "peace of mind," but this certainly cost me a "piece of change." Would I do it again? Probably would, because I am a believer in "insurance." Would I do anything different? Probably do more searching, more "holding out," etc. to get a better price. Bottom line: Make the decision on how many "pieces of change" you are willing to pay for "peace of mind" and how much time you are willing to spend on finding the best deal. With the internet, information is out there for you to consider and prices are out there for you to compare. READ the fine print, and ask questions to a "real person POC." If you ARE GOING TO CHIP YOUR CAR, you had better specifically bring this up with a "real person POC" before you buy. Your ability to "know the market" will help you make an informed decision." Good luck. Enjoy your car.


Veteran Member
May 14, 2001
Western WA
2005 PassatTDI GLS, 2003 Audi A4q 1.8t, 1975 Rabbit (waiting for TDI transplant)
Just bought a 2000 TDI GLS. We went to Chaplins in Bellevue,WA and traded in our 1998 Integra for the fine vehicele we own today.
Initially we were looking to buy the 2000 used with 25,000. The car is PERFECT. So the sales guy is doing his best pitch thing, and he says it would probably be cheaper to get a brand new one...he get's more money basically. So he runs the numbers on both a new and used. The new car IS cheaper believe it or not....more on that later. So we look at it and sign the papers. We go back inside when he says he's gonna have it detailed for us. We hear it pull up and we get in and drive off. A mile down the road..I look around and..this is NOT the car we purchased. We are driving home in a GL. I'm pissed!
Ever heard of bait and switch? Or something like that. Anyway, we go back and since they don't have any un-used GLS's in white, we get the one we test drove..used, with a 6 yr. 100K mile bunper-bumper warranty. It's thru RepairMaster which I have heard a lot of good stuff about. So we got the car we wanted and a 100k mile bumper to bumper warr. and our monthly payments are cheaper than the Acura. Our insurance also went down.
We just got the car yesterday, Tuesday. And we bought it on sunday. They apparently ran it out of fuel so it wouldn't start. Then they had to re-code all the keys because someone used an un-coded key in the ignition. A total of 9 HOURS!! we were there just trying to spend $20,000 on a car (we actually got it for $17,500) Does that sound odd to anyone else? I feel like an IDIOT for even telling people about our buying experience at Chaplins. I'm sure I'll have more for everyone in the future. But the bottom line is, we got the car we have wanted for a long time and we can still afford it. Just stay away from Chaplins.


Veteran Member
Dec 13, 2000
Omaha, NE USA
I wholeheartedly agree with Mickey on this issue-- It's been covered before. Extended warranties on anything (cars, TV's, toasters, houses) are useless, pure profit generators for the person selling the item.

I disagree about VW's bumper to bumper warranty though- it is way too short- 24k/24 mos. is the shortest in the industry. I still think it shows that VW has no faith in their own manufacturing processes. I mean, seriously, how much would it cost them in claims to extend it to 3 yrs / 36K? Apparently, a lot. Doesn't speak well for their build quality


Active member
May 8, 2001
Houston, Texas!
Wow - what a strange buying exp TDI2some...I'm glad it worked out in the end. Yeah - I also got the line that buying new was probably going to be cheaper than used - but didn't make anyone run the numbers to prove it. How's the new TDI compared to the Acura?

This is a tough choice - and you are right, I don't have to make it when buying the car - lots of options afterwards. I don't know if you guys get how non-mechanical I am...I am amazed at the posts I read where ya'll change your own timing belts, and fine-tune your engines. I can check the oil and change an air filter - oh yeah, and gas up...I can definitely fill the tank

[ May 16, 2001: Message edited by: TajCat ]


Veteran Member
May 14, 2001
Western WA
2005 PassatTDI GLS, 2003 Audi A4q 1.8t, 1975 Rabbit (waiting for TDI transplant)
We love the new TDI. I have owned three VW diesel motor cars in my relatively short driving "career". At 16, I bought a 1986 diesel Golf which was perfect up until I let big sis drive it and she smashed it. I then bought another Golf which I traded for the 1987 diesel Jetta I usually drive to and from work. Now, 7 years later,it has 250K on the odom. and I've never had to do anywork on the motor/tranny. The lil' lady will probably drive the TDI more than me. Hopefully we will get another in 6 months..that's the plan anyway.
To answer your're question, we ADORE the TDI. I had her test drive it and it took about 2 miles before she said "we have to buy one of these". We go to MT a lot and so now we'll be driving to and from since it costs like 300.00/ person to fly into Kalispell!
Happy dieselin' everyone!

[ May 16, 2001: Message edited by: TDI2some ]


Top Post Dawg
Jul 11, 2000
Pacific NW
2001 Jetta GLS

We made a trip from Seattle area to Hamilton, MT last Labor Day weekend.

You will absolutely love the power in the mountains. I didn't downshift once on any grade anywhere along the way.

Scary experience at Chaplins. Since you're in Bothell, you might try Campbell-Nelson in Edmonds for service. It's about the same distance.


Veteran Member
May 14, 2001
Western WA
2005 PassatTDI GLS, 2003 Audi A4q 1.8t, 1975 Rabbit (waiting for TDI transplant)
Can I just say one thing...DAMN I LOVE TDI's! And diesels in general. I figured the TDI would blast through the passes with all that torque. Gobs and gobs of it. Fourth gear especially! I don't know. I feel silly but it's been a while since I just got in my car to drive. It takes me back to when I first got my license.
On a different subject, anyone know much about the Bio-diesel out there? I've read a little about this fuel and am very interested in it. There is a ton on info out there but I was wondering if anyone had any first hand experiences with it.

[ May 17, 2001: Message edited by: TDI2some ]