I had to chuckle at this statement. First, the 02E is in fact the 'first generation' of the DSG, same since 2004. Second, as for the hundreds of thousands of miles of testing, you realize we are talking about a Volkswagen here, right? As big of a fan as I am, I find it hard to believe that if they REALLY tested these things correctly that we'd see tooefed HPFPs before the car's first oil change, or frozen ice chunks in the intercooler causing instant engine catastrophy, not to mention the fact that the DSG itself has been subject of several recalls already.
I love my Volkswagens, and the cars in general, but there is always something amiss it seems with their durability testing. When I was at the dealer, we had brand new cars rolling off the truck with broken power window regulators.... how does that happen if they really 'tested' them for hundreds of thousands of miles?
I had to actually chuckle, because of the few paragraphs I wrote you managed to pluck the furthest thing from the topic at hand, but since you brought it up, lets chat. This is my first VW and I will admit to anyone that asks me why I have not owned a VW or any German car for that matter in the past, and the answer is, reliability. I know very well that VW does test all of their models, actually here in AZ at their desert proving grounds less then ten miles from where I am employed.
I did not post in this thread claiming to a VW master mechanic, nor do I even feel that I am well enough educated about VW to give expert advice, but what I am a seasoned veteran of is all things automotive related. That said I feel comfortable saying that unless someone with a MKVI post in this thread that their DSG transmission has failed due to normal use, then every post in this thread is hearsay.
This is not my first forum membership, nor will be my last and the one thing that erks me the most is average joe discrediting designers, engineers, mechanics, ect. thanks to the power of Google. A little common sense goes along way, ie. you cannot have your cake and eat it too, there are trade offs in everything. Back to me never owning a VW or any other German car in the past? Even more simple, cost.
I am a realest. This car that I have come to love, and am sure at some point in the future all VW models, while having a German design and heart, are and will be assembled in the USA and MEXICO. There is alot that Americans and Mexicans do very well, as time has proven building cars is not on that list. Should that deter anyone from buying VW? Absolutely not, again price, the price is right, VW is making the profit they want, everyone wins.
I am not a die hard VW fan
(yet), hope one day I will be. For that sake, I wish every VW fan, tuner, enthusiast would jump off their high horse and welcome the changes VW is implementing rather then complain about every small detail, but here is the best part, if you dont like it, if your tired of reading negative review about it, if your fingers are tired of posting a negative comment about the new VW, you can acquire the same technology, same motors, and get your soft touch interior, MMI, Leds, and four intersecting rings all for the premium that VW cut out.