Royal Volkswagen Orlando Fl
1 Dealer name
Royal Volkswagen
2 City and state
Orlando Fl
3 Dates that you know of
early 2005, and still at present
3 how you know the wrong oil is used
Well, my wife and I owned a 2002 Jetta TDI. Early 2005 she wrecked it, and we replaced it with a 2005 TDI Jetta Wagon. We took it for it's first service to Royal Volkswagen of Orlando where we bought it. I never thought anything of it till just two weeks ago. I decided to buy myself a used TDI wagon. I started doing research online and found this forum.
I got curious and looked in the receipt, of course it said 10-30W synthetic blend. I called VW customer service, and they spoke to the service manager there. They said that I needed to ask for the "expensive oil", otherwise the use the least expensive., that if I wanted they could put a note on their computer that they should only use the "expensive oil" in my car. They still claimed though, that what they used was the correct oil for my car.
When I told the the VW customer service lady that that was a load crap, and an outright lie, she said that she would call me back after doing more research. She left me a voicemail saying the oil they used is still the correct one and it complies with 505.01 specs.
To top it all, yesterday I bought the correct oil, filters (I just bought my second wagon) and an "oil boy". When I was changing the oil today I found that they even used the WRONG FILTER as well.
The filter I found there is the same diameter, but shorter by about an inch and a half, and has no plastic baffles inside. I am mad as hell.