Date stamp on timing belt - yes or no. If not, what is this?


Veteran Member
Nov 12, 2009
Brookside Village, Texas
2003 Mk4 Jetta (blue), 2003 Mk4 Jetta (black), 2011 Mk6 Jetta, all manuals
Hello all,

I saw a video a while back (didn't save the link) where a guy was showing how to tell the age of the timing belt. IIRC, it was a VW related video. He mentioned that the last digits of the stamping on the back of the belt was the date of manufacture.

Looking for verification of this on this forum, I found none regarding anything on the timing belt, but a number of people showing the date stamp on the tensioner. I found posts in which a number of our most respected members said that there was nothing on the belt.

I got an Open Box timing belt kit from a reputable vendor late last year knowing that I'd be doing the change soon enough. Well now's the time. I looked on the belt that I got in the kit and saw this stamping

So, the last digits certainly match western coding for the date of m/d/y, in this case, May 20th, 2013. If that's not what it is, then what is it?


Veteran Member
Sep 14, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
2013 Passat TDI SEL, 2013 Golf TDI 6MT, 2013 Jetta TDI 6MT (R.I.P.)
I think you may have it a little backwards unfortunately. The video from Josh's Jetta's mentions reading is as the 13th week of 2020 from your pictured belt.



Veteran Member
Nov 12, 2009
Brookside Village, Texas
2003 Mk4 Jetta (blue), 2003 Mk4 Jetta (black), 2011 Mk6 Jetta, all manuals
I think you may have it a little backwards unfortunately. The video from Josh's Jetta's mentions reading is as the 13th week of 2020 from your pictured belt.

That was the video, thanks. Yep, I remembered incorrectly.

So, a timing belt made in 2020 is much better than one made in 2013, but that's still several years old now. The rubber looks new. What's the shelf life on a timing belt?

Other posts state that it is not the belt but the rollers and tensioner that are the real reasons to change the belt with the other components on a schedule, so maybe the date is not such an issue. Still, not wild about getting an almost 4 year old belt when I ordered it in December.

Powder Hound

Top Post Dawg
Oct 25, 1999
Under a Bridge, Crestview, FL, USA
'00 Golf 4dr White 5sp, '02 Jettachero 5sp, Wife's '03 NB Platinum Gray auto(!)
If the belt has been sitting outside, uncovered, in the desert outside of Phoenix, Arizona since it was manufactured, then maybe you should worry. Otherwise, sitting in a climate controlled warehouse inside of its shipping packaging, I don't think you have anything about which to worry.

But if it still bothers you, then send it to me. I'll take care of it, and you can go buy a new one. Be sure and ask the sales person to get the stock picker to check the best by date on the belt. ;)

