Due to some issues with the database (in all honestly I did something stupid with the database and didn't check and recheck enough times before proceeding
), the database got corrupted and I had to go to backups. What this means is that all the information and changes in the past 12 hours (from ~10pm till 10:30am PT) was lost and cannot be recovered.
The information lost includes:
As far as I can tell everything seems to back and functioning properly, but if not please let me know.
Once again sorry about this everyone. Hopefully you all remember what you typed......
The information lost includes:
- New Posts
- Edited posts
- New Threads
- Poll votes
- New PMs and replies
- New Users
- User profile changes
- Uploaded pictures
As far as I can tell everything seems to back and functioning properly, but if not please let me know.
Once again sorry about this everyone. Hopefully you all remember what you typed......
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