Well this came back to haunt me...
My partner's son took over this car, from our mini fleet of our business. Let's just say, the car was treated like an appliance.... Some how the car overheated, and the car was taken to a local mechanic somewhere outside my purview. My partner told me that the garage insisted the engine was toast, and was trying to sell him a expensive used motor replacement. There was a small coolant hose that blew out on the rear of the engine, and he authorized the garage to order the hose and replacement. Last week he picked the car up, and the car ran fine. The mechanic added some sort of additive to fix any small head gasket leak, and claimed one of the cylinders had low compression. The car was driven two hundred miles (ORL to MIA) and I met the car last Friday...
The car is due at now at 120k for timing belt/ water pump job, and I offered to do the job. The car started fine, and there was not evidence of cross contamination in coolant or oil. Yesterday I drove the car to my house in preparation of the pending timing belt job.
The drive home was, well interesting.. The car ran fine, I got on the expressway and got to 70 mph no problem. But 5 minutes into my expressway entrance, the damn temp gauge went from 190 deg (twelve o'clock) to just below the red zone. Holy smokes. I backed off the throttle and the temp started to fall. I called my partner, and asked him ***? did his son have any issues on the 200 mi journey, and he said he didn't know... As we were talking, the temp gauge immediately went straight down to 190 deg. No CEL, car ran fine. then it would climb up to do around 2 o'clock, and then go back to twelve oclock 190 deg. It did that once again for a moment, and then the rest of the 40 mile drive home were no more needle excursions.
Thoughts that come to mind, 1: Water pump solenoid, shroud? 2: Air in system? 3: Bad temp sender? 4: Thermostat?
Also how does one check compression on the CVCA? I need to dig into that one...
I'll keep you posted!
Thanks for any ideas or suggestions!