That Guy
Veteran Member
Okay....This should be an interesting thread.
Similar to the "stories when filling up", this is "stories when driving around". Specifically stories of the crazy drivers we see every day on the streets...including pedestrians.
I see people doing the stupidest things almost every time I go out driving.
This morning it wasn't much...just a guy in an SUV that almost changed lanes into me, and a dude who turned at an intersection...from the wrong lane.
Other stuff I've seen...
- From behind a row of trees some guy pushed his baby carriage into the street and then peeked out to see what was coming.
- A drunk stopping in the middle of a busy freeway, getting out and trying to cross traffic to get to a cold beer store.
- People who purposely speed up to cut off people who are merging onto the road...when there are multiple car-lengths of room to spare.
- I passed three cars one night on a highway....that were going the wrong way in the passing lane on my side of the highway speeds.
- An old guy tee-boned another car at a T about 2 MPH. It was a scuff....but ***? The one guy traveling through the T slowed down as he wasn't sure what the old guy was doing. The old guy who came from the bottom of the T just proceeded slowly straight into the side of the first dude. I'm not sure what he thought he was doing, or where he was going...and he seemed in control of his marbles after the fact. Tried to get out of it by arguing with the dude he hit...saying it's just a scratch.
I realize that certain comments can be perceived to be directed against certain groups.
Please keep your comments factual.
As an example...There should be nothing wrong in saying that an old lady hit the gas instead of the break and drove her car through a coffee shop window. That would be stating a fact. But saying that all old people are poor drivers is not acceptable and is likely to start trouble.
We don't want to get off topic or the thread locked. I want to hear all the crazy driving stories.
Similar to the "stories when filling up", this is "stories when driving around". Specifically stories of the crazy drivers we see every day on the streets...including pedestrians.
I see people doing the stupidest things almost every time I go out driving.
This morning it wasn't much...just a guy in an SUV that almost changed lanes into me, and a dude who turned at an intersection...from the wrong lane.
Other stuff I've seen...
- From behind a row of trees some guy pushed his baby carriage into the street and then peeked out to see what was coming.
- A drunk stopping in the middle of a busy freeway, getting out and trying to cross traffic to get to a cold beer store.
- People who purposely speed up to cut off people who are merging onto the road...when there are multiple car-lengths of room to spare.
- I passed three cars one night on a highway....that were going the wrong way in the passing lane on my side of the highway speeds.
- An old guy tee-boned another car at a T about 2 MPH. It was a scuff....but ***? The one guy traveling through the T slowed down as he wasn't sure what the old guy was doing. The old guy who came from the bottom of the T just proceeded slowly straight into the side of the first dude. I'm not sure what he thought he was doing, or where he was going...and he seemed in control of his marbles after the fact. Tried to get out of it by arguing with the dude he hit...saying it's just a scratch.
I realize that certain comments can be perceived to be directed against certain groups.
Please keep your comments factual.
As an example...There should be nothing wrong in saying that an old lady hit the gas instead of the break and drove her car through a coffee shop window. That would be stating a fact. But saying that all old people are poor drivers is not acceptable and is likely to start trouble.
We don't want to get off topic or the thread locked. I want to hear all the crazy driving stories.