Veteran Member
My 97 B4 sedan lost a bunch of coolant, when I checked it out it was leaking from the metal tube that runs around the driver's side of the engine, toward heater core hoses. Perhaps you all have heard rumors that these rust out...it was true in my case, totally rotted out where the two back hoses attach. I would recommend those that live in salty or humid environments, or don't replace the coolant too often should replace this. There was noticeable swelling for several years around the spot where it failed, so if you are watching carefully you can catch it. I bought a replacement aftermarket one that is for an aaz engine, it is partially installed and the front bolt in, not sure if it will quite fit the rear bolt location. It's not going to hold the wiring connector for the IP like the original one, but I'll figure something out. One more thing to check to reduce the risk of being stranded or blowing a head gasket.