well, you are very likely totally capable of doing it yourself.. just takes a lot of effort and time, i think, just to get some of the basics figured out...
back when i first started, i barely knew anything.... took me a lot of time to figure out just some of the simplest things, even with having a background in computer programming. i've spent a VAST amount of time on it all since then.... feel like i have things pretty well figured out, but always learning more.. always testing

one thing to be aware of, is it's very easy to think you're doing things right, barking up the right tree, when in fact you're wayyyy off base... trust me lol. and its very time intensive with so many variables to do all the testing/logging if you really want things "right".
i've never tried to work on the early black-case msa12 ecu's. i'd suggest getting a silver case FA/GQ/JB ecu and a chip burner, then download edcsuite and start googling... or.... farm it out