confused re: Vinyl and Rubber protectants


Veteran Member
Apr 28, 2001
For years I have used products like Armor-all for tires and interior parts. Now I hear they actually are harmful. Any ideas what to use to protect my new Jetta


Top Post Dawg
Dec 14, 2000
its not the base, its the additives!!
13 passatdsg 10 jetdsg, 09 jetdsg, 2006 jetdsg, 2001Jet, 96passat, 86jet, 81 jet, 78pickup all vw diesel.
anything with "petroleum spirits" will dry out rubber and cause it to crack sooner.. vurtually every product but one has p-spirits...
for rv owners who keep their tires for a long time vrs miles this is critical as can lead to blowouts due the tires cracking and drying out and being under extreame loads..

for the rest of us,, the tires are not a problem, but cracking dash's, and plastic parts can be..other factors as heat and ozone can accellerate the problem.. last i heard, arizona was the worst climate in the U.S. for plastic and rubber.. and all the testing was done there.. products will usually show deterioration 3 to 5 years earlier in Arizona... bummer...


The best way to take care of interior surfaces it to keep them clean. Use plain water if you can, and a mild detergent if necessary. I don't believe in squirting goo on vinyl. I think Armor All and similar products are "addictive" other words, once you start using them you must continue or they actually accelerate the deterioration. Keep vinyl clean and keep the sun off of it.

Sometimes I Armor All my tires just to make 'em shiny. I drive so much that cracking and deterioration of the rubber never becomes an issue for me. The tread wears out first.



Veteran Member
Mar 23, 2001
Mid - Hudson
1999.5 Golf TDI AUTOMATIC trans. GLS w/PLX package silver/black cloth
I do rub the door rubber seals (& trunk etc.) with silicone grease. Some manufacturers even mention this in owners care manuals. Just work a bit in, you don't have to leave a thick layer. This has worked very well on my '88 'Stang Conv. all the top seals are original, no cracks, no leaks.

Well OK I can get it to leak, but only if I do over 85mph in the rain, not real bright but I was curious one day