Hi all, I just got my 2011 Golf TDI 2 weeks ago. I love it, but am just coming to terms with the fuel thing. What I've read so far:
1. Manual states we should use no more than B5, and no additives.
2. In Illionois we can use up to B20. But what are the long term consequences?
3. Cetane, lubricity and cold weather operation are very important on top of purity. Meaning Pure D2 may not be the best choice, B5 being the best compromise?
4. HPFP: avoid low tank, avoid D2 without additives (lubricity), avoid crappy stations (moisture)
5. Re HPFP issue what happens in a year when I'm out of warranty?
Two observations thus far:
1. First filling was at a nearby BP (Cass avenue and 63rd) label says B5-B20. It was relatively cheap compared to some stations in the area. Drove well, although I could swear there was a strange heat shield rattle at around 2000-3000 rpm that wasn't there before, nor after I refilled with "premium D2" from Delta Sonic on Ogden, at about the halfway mark on the tank. Not sure if that means anything, or weather it was temperature related. (I drove '02 WRX so I'm very sensitized(paranoid) to noises etc)
2. I went on the Shell site and used their map to show diesel stations locally (
http://www.shell.us/products-services/on-the-road/shell-station-locator/station-finder.html) most of the local ones don't show up for me, leading me to believe that the only ones that do show are the ones that Shell itself makes and delivers, which would be B5 or less as stated on their site. Which I think may happen to me Circle K stations, and I think ppl have mentioned those positively earlier.