I'm at 32k on my Chevy Volt with 0 issues and a great dealer. My Jetta TDI is just hitting 100k and no real issues but I'm not fond of any of my three local VW dealers. I'm looking forward to the competition.
I have to agree with ChasSidwa completely on the not being fond of the VW dealer ships. SpeedWay Motors in BC was fantastic, but I have moved back to the East Coast. Now I bought a 2006 VW Jetta TDI at SpeedWay and the service was top notch, had the man who wold me the care meet me with keys in hand any time the car went in for warrenty. Every time the car went in it was vacuumed and washed free of charge. Nice added bonus don't ya think?
I move back to the East Coast and not a word of a lie I bring my 2006 into the VW dealership for service (Jim Sampson Motors) so I ask them if they are going to need any extra time to wash and vacuum my car. The exact words were "We wont be doing that to your care, we do it for OUR customers only, it's our little nich."
Now read that last sentence. We do that for OUR customers, even though I owned a VW product, I was considered not one of their customers cause my car was bought on another lot so my car was not to receive the same treatment as the people who purchased from them. BUT they did wash and vacuum there OWN customers cars.
Now a VW product is a VW product, I know that sounds redundant. But ethically NO matter where the car is purchased I should receive the same service as if the car was bought at that shop. I was so angry at this fact that I from that point brought my car down to Hill Crest Motors in Halifax. For you who don't know Jims Sampsons is a 5 hour 400 klm drive to Hill Crest Motors. So total 10 hours and 800 klms round trip to get my 2006 VW Jetta TDI serviced. Hill Crest would atleast wash the car.
Now before anyone gets into a little tantrum of "well they support who buys from them." I had a 2003 Toyota Echo I bought new on Cape Breton, I joined the army and that car was serviced in Ontario, Halifax, and BC. And it didn't matter which dealer ship I bought that little Toyota echo into that car was serviced and treated as if it was bought from that dealer ship. They didn't ask where I bought it, nor did they care where I bought it. It went in, and $29 dollars later my echo came out washed can cleaned and I was on my way in EVERY location.
So as for adding a little stress to VW with another brand bringing out a diesel and maybe humbling VW dealer ships that would be fantastic. Because IMO VW dealerships tend to ride a little high on the horse. My cars should get top service, and the exact same service as each of "their" customers receive because I have a VW product. If they wash and vacuum their clients cars, well mine should be as well.
Funny thing is when you get your VW brought in for service they ask you to tell the VW of Canada to give them all 10's. Well its hard to give a 10 when you treat me, and my car as if I was a different brand, and don't deserve your top service "your" customers are getting. Just because I purchased from another dealer.
The only reason I got a 2012 VW now is because I love the brand, I love the car. I love how the handle, and how they feel. Though I miss the sport suspension and breaks my 2006 had. But either way the 2012 Comfort Line I have is still a wonderful car. But I don't care for how VW dealerships stick there nose up at cars purchased from other dealers.
A VW is a VW, and should be treated with top quality service no matter which lot I bring it into for service. Wiether bought there or not. But VW Dealerships tend to not think the same way. And if you go to another lot your car will get serviced, but you will be treated as if you brought something that isn't a VW brand in.