That sucks. It's time to decide how much you really like this car. It will cost thousands to hire someone to fix it, and about 25 hours to DIY. The entire dash has to come out, right up to the bulkhead in order to remove the HVAC box for servicing. If you decide to be brave and try it, go ahead and replace the heater core at the same time because it will surely be leaking very soon. The blend door foam problem is a major design flaw with these cars, right up there with leaking sunroof drains. I'm surprised they weren't sued over it.
I went out at lunch and turned the car on but didnt start the engine. As earlier, the fan went on high, then cycled to low, then to high (you get the idea). Got out and removed the 30 amp fuse on top of the battery (looking down at the 3 fuses, it was the one on the left) and the fan shut off. Ah, i thought, this must be something, but what I done know other than the fuse is doing its job and passing along the power so does this mean I should look to the Fan Control Module as the next step?