2000 Golf TDI 5spd 411,000 kms
All fuses look fine
Manual A/C, was working last summer, and the A/C compressor was put in a few years ago, and the lines look good. This summer no cold air, A/C clutch doesn't engage.
I did the ignition on test with A/C on, interior fan on and the Rad fans do not turn.
I pulled of the 'Thermo Switch' Plug and jumpered 1-2 got the big fan to turn, small fan did not.
I then jumpered 2-3 on same plug, turned on ignition got nothing, tried all A/C and fan settings, fans did not spin
I hooked a battery up to the Big fan connector and it spun on both settings, the battery was weak so it didn't spin too much faster on the full speed setting, which I think is post 2-3 to a battery.
Small fan did not spin when hooked up the battery, I think I tried every which way.
Sounds like I need a New Fan assembly and possibly a Fan Control Module.
Any tips?
Based on how I read your explanation, when your ignition is ON, AC button pressed, inside blower switch ON, your fans don't run.
You've checked all related fuses and they appear to be good.
AND when testing your two radiator fans directly, one doesn't seem to work.
Based on what you've checked so far, the system should at least try to operate with only one fan unless something else is bad OR there's no freon.
A gauge set to check pressures would likely be the easiest next step...
I have a 2001 ALH 5-speed manual Jetta GLS sedan.
My AC system worked fine one night as usual, didn't work the very next day.
No fan operation with key on, AC button pressed, and blower switch on.
Turns out in my case the suction line had been damaged and released all the freon when I parked the car for the night... No freon = no fans = no AC.
Since you're having a problem where only one fan works and that's only when it's jumpered directly, replace the fans regardless of whatever else is wrong.
According to the info in this thread they're in parallel so when one's getting powered for low or high speed operation the other is too. Therefore if only one fan is running then at the least you have a bad wiring connection to one fan or a bad fan, although there's obviously something else wrong as well.
Plus, as stated in this thread, having only one fan working will still blow cold air but overwork the compressor...