loaba said:
I think a Jemez run, before the summer is out, would be muy bueno. And my Spanish no es bueno...
As soon as my house sells here in NH, I am moving back to the Jemez Area, Sierra Los Pinos (Mile Post 33 on Rte 4) and would be willing to have a BBQ at my house for any TDI'ers that want to come. Not sure when this will be, but hopefully before the Summer is done.
I've been driving TDI's since I bought my first one in 2000 and have always had one. I also have a copy of Vag-Com and a plug.
Looking forward to returning to beautiful NM! Lived there from early 06 until late 07. My wife wanted to come back here for the grandkids, but now we're ready to move back and the house is on the market.
I've sub'd this thread to keep an eye on it....