All of this discussion got me thinking about my cam and lifters and what is involved in replacing them, so I read the camshaft removal procedure in my Bentley (CD version) Manual. It does not appear too difficult and it appears that you may not need the counter hold tool and the hub puller special tools (anyone here do this job without them?)
But I did notice that there is NO MENTION in Bentley of the need to repace the bolts holding down the injector rockers, nor is there mention of replacing the nuts or bolts (not sure which are used, there is no depiction of the camshaft cap fastners) holding down the camshaft beraring caps. Bentley lists for both of these fastners a certain tightening torque, PLUS a quarter turn. I thought this meant that they were "torque to yield" and that they should ALWAYS be replaced.
Next, I looked in the section on replacing the unit injectors in my Bentley and for the injector rockers, it said to ALWAYS REPLACE the rocker bolts.
The above illustrates inconsistiences I have observed in the Bentley manual. Obviously, you are supposed to replace the injector rocker bolts each time, but in the section on removing the camshaft, the need to replace the injector rocker bolts IS NOT mentioned. I am still wondering if the cam bearing cap fasteners have to be replaced.
Obviously there appears to be a problem with the PDs burning out cams and lifters WITH the correct oil used, but how prevelant are the failures. I am wondering if it is just a small percentage, and the majority of us will be OK.