Turned in my 2014 Jetta TDI yesterday. I was at the dealership a few hours early to get a new car before buyback and the buyback specialist was free, so I ended up doing that first.
VW gave me a check and I did not have any issues. The only thing notable that happened was the buyback specialist did not know how to check my mileage. Kind of unbelievable.
After going out to take photos of my car, she came back into the office with a photo of my odometer reading and it had the little maintenance wrench next to it and read "11,500." Not the 26,000+ that I knew it should be.
She was willing to go with the 11,500, but I took her back out to the car in the pouring rain so she could get the correct mileage. Maybe a missed opportunity, but I think VW would have realized something was up.
My next loan payment is due the 1st week of May. She advised that my loan would be paid off in 5 business days and if she were in my shoes, she would not make the payment. I'll check the account to see if she's right.
Overall, it went pretty smoothly. I had some cosmetic damage on the left side where someone had backed into me in a parking lot, but that wasn't a problem.