Rick Blalock
Veteran Member
I have been having some issues with air somehow getting into my veg oil lines. I have already vacuum tested all the lines with my mityvac and hose pinch off clamps and they all hold their vacuum even with pumped up to 20in Hg, nothing gets in through the veg oil fuel lines. I called up the guy at Greasecar and his best guess what the braided return lines from injector to injector and back to the IP. Just wondering, but if there was a leak, wouldn't the fuel go out? not air go in? Not sure if those are under slight vacuum or pressure.
Just wanted to ask some people on here before I buy new lines.
And also, the veg oil filter is brand spankin new and my oil is filtered absolute to 1 micron cold. So the oil filter is not the problem...
Any ideas?
- Rick
Just wanted to ask some people on here before I buy new lines.
And also, the veg oil filter is brand spankin new and my oil is filtered absolute to 1 micron cold. So the oil filter is not the problem...
Any ideas?
- Rick