TDIClub Enthusiast, Vendor
We have 148 regular and companion registrations for TDIFest 2011.
We only have 69 registrations for the banquet. For those that intend to come, thank you!
Just so you know how the hotel location contracts work. The event group receives NO funds from hotel room rental. Each hosting group has to meet a food minimum to be able to use the hotel facilities. Therefore, banquet registrations have to be high enough to cover this number. If not; regular registration, T shirt sales, and raffle/auction proceeds must be used to offest the shortfall. Right now, we are significantly short of the total number of diners needed.
The banquet is where we present all the awards for the show n shine, not to mention the BUG*PWR award. The auction with the big ticket items is conducted at the banquet, and there are some great bargains to be had.
Basically, I'm trying to say please sign up for the banquet so Fred has more money to run website!!!!!
Thanks, Bruce
We only have 69 registrations for the banquet. For those that intend to come, thank you!
Just so you know how the hotel location contracts work. The event group receives NO funds from hotel room rental. Each hosting group has to meet a food minimum to be able to use the hotel facilities. Therefore, banquet registrations have to be high enough to cover this number. If not; regular registration, T shirt sales, and raffle/auction proceeds must be used to offest the shortfall. Right now, we are significantly short of the total number of diners needed.
The banquet is where we present all the awards for the show n shine, not to mention the BUG*PWR award. The auction with the big ticket items is conducted at the banquet, and there are some great bargains to be had.
Basically, I'm trying to say please sign up for the banquet so Fred has more money to run website!!!!!
Thanks, Bruce
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