My 2012 Passat is fine after it warms up but shudders badly and throwing P1007 code (torque difference cylinder 4) when cold for the first 1/4-1/2 mile or so. No CEL, just 'pending code' via OBD reader. 141000 miles. Runs perfectly when warmed up.
It shudders badly enough that Im concerned about pulling out and accelerating adequately on the high speed country roads where I live.
Any ideas? Online I see 'dirty injectors' as a possibility. But if that were the case, why fine when warmed up?
It shudders badly enough that Im concerned about pulling out and accelerating adequately on the high speed country roads where I live.
Any ideas? Online I see 'dirty injectors' as a possibility. But if that were the case, why fine when warmed up?