B5.5 Passat TDI Engine, Auto Transmission, and Damaged Manual Trans


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2008
Nashville, TN, USA
Someone slammed into the rear and totaled a friend's Passat with a manual swap. He bough a very clean B5.5 Passat with 204k miles on it that we are pulling the engine and trans from to swap in his current 5 speed and engine that has a cam/BSM delete, etc. The engine is fro mthe 204k mile car ad had a timing belt service done 35k miles ago with good Gates parts.

BHW Engine $1000

B5.5 Passat Auto transmission in good working condition with torque convertor $1000

He bought the 5 speed swap kit from Frans with the FHN transmission. It was always a bit weird coming out of 5th and we both tried adjusting the shift linkage among a few other things but never could improve it so we drove it as it. One say it became very difficult to remove from 5th gear and will not go into reverse. Frans said these do no fail and did not want to even sell a replacement transmission so I sourced one from Poland and had it sent over. Long story, but I figured it would contain good background information. It is probably something simple like a shift fork, slider, snap ring etc. but I have never been into one of these and couldn't find a good service manual.

Used FHN with some sort of issue $250