Veteran Member
So I joined TDI club way back in 2013 to research before I bought my 2013 JSW.
I seem to recall some discussions about there being an "auxiliary electric heater" that came on first and would shut off when the engine came up to temperature.
Something about to engage this you rotated the heat temp knob from full off to full on.
I cannot find anything in the owner's manual about this.
Was this just some urban legend thing? Actually a thing but on pre-CR TDI's?
I remember at the time thinking this was pretty cool but now I wonder if it was just an urban legend posted here.
I seem to recall some discussions about there being an "auxiliary electric heater" that came on first and would shut off when the engine came up to temperature.
Something about to engage this you rotated the heat temp knob from full off to full on.
I cannot find anything in the owner's manual about this.
Was this just some urban legend thing? Actually a thing but on pre-CR TDI's?
I remember at the time thinking this was pretty cool but now I wonder if it was just an urban legend posted here.