Veteran Member
Yea, I test drove it. You don't expect me to think about buying any other car now? 0-60 5 seconds, Quatro. Got to have that creeping on these LA freeways. A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
Best price I've seen so far on a new a6 tdi was 51000 on a 2015 with audi discounts. used with low mileage for 45000. I am far from signing on a deal for this car. I'm glad I have another year to shop. But yea the 2016 base msrp with tax is 60000. That's 2 and a half Golfs.59k base price.....whoa.
Yea especially since the dealers will tell you what you want to hear "o just trade it in."I can understand the desire to wait for the 2017 model. There will A4 and A6 TDIs available. I also like the idea of having the latest tech. Takes a lot of patience, though.