Bit of an update, bought Martin's a6 a few weeks ago as a non runner, took it apart and the woodrof key on the crankshaft gear has sheared and smashed all the followers. At some point the crank flange/seal housing was changed (common on v6 tdi as it's made of alloy so it's easy to strip the treads when grease monkeys tighten the cambelt tensioner too much) and the bolt has not been renewed and it came off allowing the gear to move on the crank. The bolt was finger tight !
There were worn followers(rocker arms) to the point that it scored the newly fitted genuine cams that the garage replaced at the last rebuild !
Took the hybrid turbo and the race nozzles and fitted to my allroad. Plenty power but heavy shudder and loads of smoke ! However i have started to experience the same power loss issues that Martin was experiencing. Took the turbo off to clear the VNT mechanism (which i thought it was jammed because of soot) and found this:
Can someone tell me what the metal bits are from ? I have never seen anything like this on a v6 tdi engine and i wonder how it got inside the turbo ?
I believe this might be some sort of cone adaptor/heatshield which was fitted inside the hot side to take up the slack left by the clipping of the wheel. I have tried to arrange the jigsaw puzzle but i cannot understand it. Funny thing is that i did not hear any noises when i've removed the turbo first time, i believe it broke in the smallest pieces whilst on my allroad due to the high EGT ! Any suggestions wellcomed !
The turbo needs a rebuild now, don't know if it's worth it as i'll rather fit a GTB2260Vk from Ryan than pay turbo dynamics a pound of flesh to rebuild this crap hybrid. The car was going like a scalded cat though, but very, very smokey ! The race 683 are off the car and will be sent for balancing and raising the pop pressures !