I think perhaps a better list of events, vendor participation, and some magazine coverage as well as VOA's blessing would help immensely.
Ok, I'll ask. What kind of better events? Let's see, we had a rally, slow speed skills course, shop time, pig roast, ice cream social, banquet, dyno, show-n-shine...what else? Help me, I'm getting old. Everything listed above was FREE except for the banquet and dyno and those were pretty inexpensive. I'm curious.
As far as vendors go...I approached nearly EVERY single TDI vendor that sells here at TDIClub.com. Look at the list! I even had tdiclub stickers, hats, oils, you name it. A lot of it came from smaller vendors that only sell that one item like the hats and stickers. I ordered the last of the stock of the TDI lapel pins from blue_camel (I probabaly am spelling his screen name wrong so please correct me and I apologize) There were a lot of vendors that I approached that sold outside TDIClub but they opted not too participate. People like Crutchfield, VWoA and many others. So, I don't know what more I could have done? I think we had a good assortment of vendors and the key players were all there including the VW rally race team.
I sent out numerous announcements and copies of the press release. We got in a few of the local papers. I had a radio interview with Wisconsin public radio. They were the only ones that showed any interest. Believe me, I sent the release to a slew of media folks, newpaper, radio and TV alike. I even sent it to the Vortex, newbeetle.org and .net among others asking for them to simply post the fest on their news pages. I had the Vortex and one other contact me...but they never put it on their web sites. Makes me want to visit them that much more. Maybe if I was to state that there was going to be 3000 VW's (TDI's) coming they may have perked up their ears a bit more but when I put in the press release that there was going to be 100-150 atendees from the TDIClub they turned their noses the other way? Like Ed states, it's a catch 22. I'm sure it will grow in size as time goes by. Later, J