Just received my 2009 jetta tdi AT DSG ( built date 10/08 ) from the VW dealership.
My experience wasn't that bad. I dropped it off 2 weeks ago and they gave me a loaner. That afternoon I received a phone call and due to having the
kits from 2micron, the "Contain Flow filter and the Pureflow kit." they advised me that they couldnt do the emission recall. The dealership is 2 hrs away and I told them I would drive in the morning and remove them so they could go ahead do the emission recall.
They told be that they would be happy to remove it for the cost of a hose and labor. Its a 2 hour drive, so I told them to go ahead and remove them and return the car back to originally. Price was going to be around $200.
They next day they called and they removed everything and they could not get the car started after the removal of the 2micron kits.
I drove the 2 hrs to the dealership to find out what happen. I contacted Andrew from 2micron and he replied quickly while I was at the dealership giving me advice on what possibly happened... Andrew figure out what went wrong, but the service tech didnt have the knowledge to do what Andrew asked him to do.
Apparently the dealership messed up my fuel pump. I told them that the fuel pump was working fine when I drove the car there. The service advisor said he would speak with his manager about the situation. He called me back and said that they would take care of the fuel pump and labor.
Well 2 weeks after dropping off my car, I picked it up today.
Everything went well, drove great. They had no problem with the emission recall or with the DSG flash. They even wash and hand wax my car because of all the inconvenience that went through.
The dealership went out of there way to get a customer happy...