Reason for your search in "Events, Gatherings, Clubs" is to meet -> in person <- with other owner contributors/viewers?Trying to find active members, previously I used the screen name fyrsail
Adding the word “local” in between active and members would have narrowed that down a bit lolReason for your search in "Events, Gatherings, Clubs" is to meet -> in person <- with other owner contributors/viewers?
Colorado, Saskatchewan, New England contributors can't help if that was the intent.
Hey! I remember youStill here along with many other fine folks.
LOLTomo: Can't remember what he had for dinner yesterday, but screen names on TDIClub ........
what can ya do. sucks. there's no solution because it's too lateOn this forum I'm just a lurker as I'm no VW guru and I'm just trying to keep my hoopty alive and moving. I am also a part of my Jeep Club's forum, a Jeep TJ forum, two forums for all the offroad clubs in new england, and a Cadillac owners forum. It seems more and more people flock to facebook as they refuse to just learn how to use a search function and take the time to figure out how a forum is organized. Their pea brains can't wrap their mind around learning how to use a website that is worlds better for information sharing than using facebook. But people are lazy so the numbers will just continue to dwindle. I tried being a part of the chevy GMT800 forums but everyone was just using facebook.