Change of tack
I've been clearing the fault code since I bought the car in May of 15.
I used my dealer credit to purchase a NoX sensor, and I have it sitting here to install.
After reading this thread, since my last post on it, I see that Iradlac has broken new ground on having VWUSA cough it up for the repair.
I had written a letter and mailed it last week to their office in VA, but after reading IXLR8 tale of woe, I think I know what their response will be.
This AM the CEL came on again. I thing I'm going to take it to my local dealer (with a print out of my Ross Tech VCDS scan) and see where that gets me.
Should I call VW USA first, or start a fight with the service adviser?
If I can get them to replace it at the dealer, I can always Ebay the sensor I bought.
What do you guys think, how do I should I open this can of worms. I really don't need a $1k bill from the dealer that VW isn't going to eat, especially since I know I can change it out myself. But I would like to get VW to do what they should do anyway.