any TDI gurus 99.5 Jetta problems


Active member
Nov 18, 2006
North central Texas
99 Jetta
OK I have a persistence problem That seems to plague this particular vehicle.
This vehicle currently holds the record for tow backs of any vehicle I've owned.
Don't get me wrong I love TDI's and we have 4 of them in our family.
Heres the problem. After driving the car for sometimes 30min sometime 2 weeks It will lose power and start smoking then die, It will usually start up after it cools
But sometimes not. sometimes it has grayish blue smoke when fully warm and sometimes not. There is a lot of oil on the back side of the engine which i'm thinking is probably the valve cover leaking. I have since removed that checked the cam and followers and they all seem normal.
I have replaced the following items previously before this problem arose
I had the head off when i since broke one of the glow plugs off trying to remove them. I had the glow plug extracted and and the head serviced.
The turbo was replaced with a vnt17, Timing belt, water pump, tensioner and idlers replace.
All engine, and transmission seals replace while I was putting in a new SMF and clutch.
Later still having problems I replaced the IP with a know good one, turns out it was a clogged cat.
At this point the vehicle was reliable for about 20k miles.
I've replaced the 109 relay, all new vacuum hoses.
When I removed the elbow right at the intake I noticed it was clean and dry inside. it has a ccv delete but my other TDI's do as well and the others have oily residue in them as I think is normal.
Now this vehicle has over 300K on the clock, I just did a compression check and all cylinders are at 450psi + - 20psi.
I have never replace the injectors on this vehicle and I used to run Bio in it a few years ago when it was readily available.
I can't help but question the injectors, and It may be more cost effective to go ahead and get some new tips and take them to get Cleaned, balanced and pop tested.
At this point any advice would be appreciated.


Top Post Dawg
Jan 10, 2004
Barrie, Ont, Canada
'05 Jetta TDI Wagon
Just for clarification when you did the CCv delete how did you do it? Did you plug the hole in the valve cover?
You can't plug the hole in the valve cover, that will cause all kinds of problems.

Vent to the atmosphere and plug the hole going back into the TIP.


Top Post Dawg
May 27, 2003
Southeast Kentucky
Silver 2003 Jetta TDI, Silver 2000 Jetta TDI (sold), '84 Vanagon with '02 ALH engine
When it starts running crappy, have you checked to see if the ASV (Anti-Shudder Valve) in the EGR assembly is working properly. If it hangs, etc., it can reduce air flow, thus the smoke and poor performance.

Yes, explain how you did the CCV delete...... did you just do an elephant trunk hanging down below the engine. If so, that would have nothing to do with the problem(s) you have described.


Top Post Dawg
Aug 2, 2007
Chapin, South Carolina, USA
2005 A4 Jetta 5spd
Your symptoms do puzzle me.
Have you cleaned your intank fuel pickup? Removed (drilled out) the check valve in it? This is a very common problem on this year car. And it fits SOME of your symptoms.

If the cat clogged, the muffler is often not far behind. Did you remove or replace it?

Looking at your work list, you probably have cleaned your intake, but ensure that a frayed out (large enough to hit metal on the full circumference of the intake) 3/8" cable, chucked in a drill will pass through every passage on the intake. After going through the inlet and out 2 and 3, go in 1 and out 4. I have seen "cleaned" intakes that looked absolutely spotless, but were still choked closed out of sight.

With 4 VWs you should definitely have a VCDS. If you do, what are the air flows?


Top Post Dawg
Aug 2, 2007
Chapin, South Carolina, USA
2005 A4 Jetta 5spd
Make a .csv log of a full throttle run in 3rd gear from 1800 to 4000 rpm or so, of 001, 003, 011. Get some engine idle data in it as well.

Then do basic settings test 003 and report the air flow values with EGR On and OFF (air flow values at max and min duty cycles.)

Also check that your QA sweep is good by reporting the values in mvb 019 (any time after turning key on), and your injector balance is good, mvb 013 at idle when warmed up.

Any news on the fuel pickup or intake cleaning?


Active member
Nov 18, 2006
North central Texas
99 Jetta
DanG144 hit it on the nail,
Removed fuel pickup / sender and drilled the check valve out.
Its been going strong ever since, also very few air bubbles in the supply line.
Thanks again everyone for their input.
Got one up and running now have to deal with the radiator on my 01
Someone back into me with a long hitch on back, trashed the radiator, grille, and bumper cover.
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