eddif I've always agreed with your logical processing of this situation.
I think VW knew these would be throw away cars, more important, like Apple knows that 63-68% of iPods are used in cars and actual unit battery life isn't important, VW knew they could sell a diesel lemon and not take the flack from it.
I think the BRM was that lemon. The irony is that you can make sweet lemonade with it, if you're proactive and have a vested interest.
Keep in mind my car is no where near paid for yet. I expect, and will get, 270,000 out of it before it is paid for minimum, I intended to have it to 350,000 (regardless of years) and then sell it to some high school kid for about $3000.
I will say I've been very happy with the interior component quality of the late 2006's. And sadly that is what most people marked VW poor on, so in the eyes of their fickle consumer base that reports to the big name brand reporting agencies, VW is moving up in the world... so long as you only keep the car 5 years / 100k miles.
I honestly have coworkers who say they'd be selling the car right now, they've never kept a car past 100k miles. Shows the difference in owner loyality I guess, but I had high expectations for this car and to my own surprise it's met them.
Except it's not a hatch, I'll never really forgive it for that