Ok so they have ribs, I get that is a nice feature but really, have you seen the WeatherTech digitalfit mats? They have like 3” tall sides all around.
Yup. I moved a set out of my way last week at the salvage yard, taking seats out of a Mk4 to pull some wiring connections. That car was from the rust belt, judging from the body, but the mats (even if they were a decade old) looked a bit rough compared to our 21 year-old MM's. WT makes some nice products, but I think that the rubber is just not as good. Of course, as I have said in other threads, the winner in this category (IMO) has to be the DriverGear carpeted, fitted, and moulded mats. That's what my own Golf has had for the last decade or so. They also are high walled all around, fitted to the Mk4, with an underside that is waterproof thick rubber, while the top side is a match to the OE VW carpet colors. They weren't cheap when new, but occ pop up on ebay as NOS.
If I had know someone wanted them, I would have pulled the WT mats for them. As it is, my list for the salvage yard isn't making much progress for other people. Mk4's are fewer and fewer, and many parts are rough. There were 3 4D Golfs and none had the rain channel trim that someone here wants. The other big change is TDIs. In 20 years, I saw maybe 1 a year at the yards, and some were rescued, others donated everything that was diesel specific. This year I have seen 4, including a rust-free JW and a nearly-perfect white 5M Golf with BEW. So sad!