ALH Automatic Tranny TDC Mark Clarification


Top Post Dawg
Nov 6, 2003
Northern Virginia
'04 Jetta GLS TDI Pumpe Duce Platinum Grey w/ Leather
For timing belt replacement, the Bentley manual is unclear as to what part of the TDC mark you line up with the lower edge of the bellhousing window for an automatic transaxle with an ALH engine. The TDC mark is an oval "O" with two small lines on the outsides of the long side of the "O", in the center of the "O" and perpindicular to the direction of rotation. Do you line up the rear edge of the "O", or the two little lines that are at the center of the "O", with the rear of the bellhousing? The picture looks like it is the rear of the "O" you line up, but it would seem more logical for it to be the center of the "O", as indicated by the two little hash lines. Thanks.

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Veteran Member
Feb 16, 2012
2003 VW Jetta TDI
The O should barely be visible in the bottom of the window. Ive always done it, as to have the O half visible if looking straight on from the bottom edge of the bell housing window. I have seen manuals show the O completely visible, but in the very bottom corner of the window.

Either of these will work. If you are 1 tooth off, the O will be nowhere near that mark.


Top Post Dawg
Nov 6, 2003
Northern Virginia
'04 Jetta GLS TDI Pumpe Duce Platinum Grey w/ Leather
Thanks guys. I also looked at my Bentley CD I bought for my '04, it lets me access the earlier models too (my previous question was prompted by looking in an older paper Bentley I have) and the CD diagram makes it clear. You line up the edge of the "0" with the lower window edge, as pictured above. Either way, I bet the difference is so slight it does not matter.

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