CHav, there are no Tdi shops I know of around here. everetts can do alot of things with VW's in general, but he wont touch a Tdi. he did a few small things for me with my old jetta. great guy, but not a tdier.
Sk8rdi16, the plans for the thread you mentioned are a fabrication only. it is nice, but I hope you have tools and time for something like that. and yes, I do not rerccomend the hidden hitch. not all that hidden and there has to be better out there. I saw a few Uhaul ones that looked better than mine.
And Chav, I have a Vagcom, just not the laptop anymore, so if you have a laptop and need a VagCom, let me know, I can come over and hook you up. and what kind of skid plate you hooking up?
Eric B