Well, have a Golf here that isn't being picked up for a couple days. Decided to try out changing the bits I'm not familiar with at addresses 04352-4 and 04361-3 and got no luck in getting auto re-lock after 30 seconds to disable.
But, I did find if you change bit 5 at addresses 04361-3 to a 1, the remote becomes inop. Heh
So, for example, this Golf was already set to 130 for remote windows (138 is the orig. value).
130 = 10000010
162 = 10100010, and that disabled the remote.
Beyond that, the other bytes I changed I'm not sure what they do. I do know that wagons are usually 202 = 11001010.
Bit 3 is for remote windows and bit 0 is used to put a wagon hatch on central locking, so I didn't bother trying to change those along with bit 6, since that seems to be an equipment difference between Golf/Jetta wagon instead of what we're looking for.
EDIT to add:
I tried several more addresses, changing each 0 to a 1 one at a time, and each 1 to a 0 and the only extra things I learned (some of which are already covered in this thread) are in addresses 04364, 5 and 6:
This Golf originally started with:
181 = 10110101
245 = 11110101 which netted me a double beep when locking
177 = 10110001 which initially got me with the auto lock after 30 seconds still happening, but not arming the alarm. But this turned out to be false information, after I tried several more values, I cam back to try 177 again and it worked normal with the auto re lock and alarm re-arming. Strange.
53 = 00110001 Which got me no beep when locking/arming the car.
Taking a little break and then trying some more addresses.
Would also love to find out what it takes to add the auto-dipping passenger side mirror for parking (automatically dips mirror when system detects you're in reverse). I think the W8 Passats might have had this feature, no? I had thought of one other possibility as a feature to add with help of this hacking, but now can't remember what I was thinking of.