A4 Drop in Oil Filters - Any Better than VW?

Turbo Steve

Top Post Dawg
Jan 11, 2000
The OEM Oil Filter Cartridge from VW is the best I know of. You can get them for only $6.32 from VW Parts.com.

BTW - Did any of AMSOIL's techs say if the filter would be of higher quality than OEM like their other oil filters?


Top Post Dawg
Aug 6, 1999
lost to new england
none in the fleet (99.5 Golf RIP, 96 B4V sold)
Actually there are the OEM VW ones and the MAnn ones they are different.

the mann ones are cheaper at VWparts.com than dealer prices. and filter efficiency probably is similar.

If you want more filtering get a bypass setup.


Veteran Member
Sep 21, 1999
Distant island in WA. state
Golf 2-door, 2k Silver. Red RTDI now gone but not forgotten!
There are also internal differences in VW drop in filters (A4). As I previously posted I had a new drop in unit with the same VW part number that did not have the beefed up internal shaft of a newer one that I pulled out when doing a recent oil change. Other than that, the units where the same. I assume that VW had beefed up the internal plastic for some reason but no one seems to know why...

Bruce Gregory
Silver Golf 2k,Upsolute, Pipercross.
San Juan Is. WA.

Turbo Steve

Top Post Dawg
Jan 11, 2000

Why ordering a few cases of the filter cartridges from www.VWParts.com , they offered me a choice between OEM and Mann - naturally I took the OEM filters and have been distributing them at GTG's.

Both brands sell for $6.32 each.