Sorry about that guys. That's what I get when I let Netscape do some coding for me...from now on it is text editors only...go gEdit!
It is fixed now, and changing daily (I get bored at work sometimes...hee hee).
As far as the 17" comment goes, that is an answer to many who have asked, "Why not 17", why did you get 16"" . Well here in Massachusetts the roads can sometimes be, well, less than perfect. I used to run VERY stiff suspensions with big wheels in my Money Pit Rabbits, but even with little 14" on them a small pothole would hit hard enough to bounce the windshield washer resivoir into the alternater belt...bam!....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh......
Besides I got the ABT wheels for a song and I have always been a sucker for ABT stuff (call me shallow, but after living in Japan for a few years and seeing all the full-kit ABT, Nothelle, and Oettinger Golfs, I couldn't help myself when I came home!).
[This message has been edited by Tom Bombadill (edited August 04, 1999).]